Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Damn Spot

Why did you show up and ruin a perfectly good weekend?
Is it because I had the audacity to walk through the baby aisles at Target yesterday?
You had to remind me not to be so optimistic? All of this can turn to shit in an instant, hope into despair, happiness into fear?
Believe me, I am well aware of that fact. So go away, damn spot. Go away and leave me alone!
My Little Chicken: Please settle in and get comfy. We love you!

Friday, April 17, 2009

8 weeks today

I just ate 3 slices of pizza for breakfast. Morning is the only time I can eat and not feel yucky. I haven't puked yet, but my "morning sickness" kicks in around 3pm and I don't feel like eating anything for the rest of the day. I do crave strawberries, though. Good thing they're in season. I've gotten the sweetest strawberries lately from Whole Foods.

"Morning sickness" hasn't been that bad on me. There was only one day when I really thought I was going to hurl (but didn't). The rest of the days, it's just a lump in my throat and slight queasiness at any thought of food.

My next OB appointment is in two weeks. I can't wait to see how much Little Chicken has grown. Please grow, Little Chicken! We love you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're having a baby!

Had an OB appointment at 2:00 today.

Dr. S: So you're pregnant.

Me: I suppose.

Dr. S: What do you think? Any symptoms?

Me: Not really. Tender breasts, but not sore. And I think I had nausea yesterday, but I don't really know what morning sickness feels like...

Dr. S: So you're nervous.

Me: Yeah.

Dr. S: Let's find out, okay?

....inserts probe....

Dr. S: What did we see last time?

Me: Just a sac.

Dr. S: Well, this time...we have a...chicken!

Me: A chicken?

Dr. S: Do you want a chicken?

Me: As long as the heart is beating.

Dr. S: See that there? (points to heartbeat)

Me: Oh my god! That's beautiful

Here is the picture of the little chicken! Based on my LMP I'm 7w3d, but Little Chicken measured 8w0d. I'm so so so so happy and relieved right now, but I'm still a little cautious. I know that it's still early and anything can happen, but I also know that the risk of miscarriage goes down after a heartbeat is detected. We will not be telling anyone (except you guys) until June.
Please grow, little chicken! We love you!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

No more high impact aerobics

Because of my history of miscarriage, my doctor advised that I should stick to low impact forms of exercise, like walking and swimming. Since yesterday was such a beautiful day here in California, Ron and I decided to go on a hike. This is what we saw:

Golden Gate Bridge from Land's End, San Francisco

Hiking will definitely be our exercise of choice from now on!


One more day until my first u/s. I'm trying to stay positive that we'll see a heartbeat. Please let this baby be okay.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh my

I am SO constipated. I've already clogged the toilet twice this week. I haven't changed my diet or anything so I was wondering what was going on with my body. Turns out, the Prometrium may be to blame! Oh well, anything for a healthy baby, right? We bought some prune juice yesterday. Hope that helps!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

6 weeks! Am I supposed to be feeling something?

I'm nervous. I know, I know, I should just RELAX...but after 2 miscarriages within six months of each other, relaxing is easier said than done. In all other parts of my life, I am not a stressful person. Work, school, marriage, it all rolls off me like water off a duck. However, with this pregnancy, I'm just a nervous wreck.

Besides the occassional breast tenderness - no pain, just tenderness - I don't have any symptoms. No nausea, no fatigue, no frequent urination. C'mon! Can I please get some symptoms?

I have my first ultrasound on 4/13. With my first pregnancy, the first ultrasound showed a fetal pole, but no heartbeat...had a D and C about 4 weeks later. With my second pregnancy, the first ultrasound showed nothing but a gestational sac...naturally miscarried about 2 weeks later. Please keep your fingers crossed that we see a healthy baby with a heartbeat this time!