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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

Not good with the blog updates...sorry!Last weekend, we took Samantha to the pumpkin patch! We missed it last year, so this was actually her first time.

There were lots of pumpkins, of course...
And (fake) animals to ride...
And some real animals too...but my camera died and I didn't get any pictures of her riding a pony or feeding the billy goats.

We had a lot of fun!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Samantha is a lot better

We ended up spending a night in the hospital for pneumonia. She coughed for an hour and seemed like she was having a hard time breathing. I told Ron I wanted to take her to the ER. He felt that it could wait until morning. I felt that it couldn't. We took her. I'm so glad we did. She was wheezing and wasn't getting enough oxygen in her blood. She got a one-hour albuterol breathing treatment and didn't improve. They admitted her for the night. She got a four-hour breathing treatment, then a treatment every four hours after that. By 5pm the next day, she had stopped wheezing and her oxygen saturation was up to 98% (compared to 91% when she was admitted.) They discharged us with antibiotics to treat the pneumonia. They told us that her lungs were inflamed and to expect the cough to stick around for 2 to 4 weeks, but she should be able to return to her regular activities in a few days.

It's been a week and she has completely stopped coughing. She's doing great!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Poor Samantha is sick :(

I got a call from daycare on Tuesday, saying that she threw up. Went to pick her up and took her to the doctor...

she has an ear infection,
a throat infection,
and her lungs sound "junky"

She's on Amoxicillin for 10 days,
prednisolone for 5 days,
and an inhaler as needed

She threw up about 8 times on Tuesday...she didn't even eat anything, she was just throwing up stomach juices. On Wednesday, she seemed to be getting better. On Thursday, she was just very clingy. Today, she has a horrible cough! Hope she gets better soon. I feel so helpless. :(