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Monday, July 27, 2009

Another uneventful Dr.'s Appointment

Yay! Everything is going well. My blood pressure was a little high...134/82, but it's been holding steady at home so we're not too worried.

Fundal height was 25 cm. Last month it was 17cm, so my uterus grew 8 cm!

I gained 4 pounds. So up 2 pounds since the beginning of pregnancy. Not too bad.

I asked Dr. S. about the placenta previa - turns out I have posterior partial previa. Dr. S. was not worried about it at all. He said that since it was posterior, there is a great chance that it will move away from the cervix. He told me that I don't have to restrict my activities at all. Back to exercising and sex!

We've been thinking about names - we want a name that will honor my dad, Sam, who passed away when I was far, we have Samantha, and we're liking it! Any other suggestions?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sugar and spice and everything nice

It's a girl!

Everything looked great at my ultrasound today! I am SO happy.

The tech did mention that my placenta was low, which puts me at risk for placenta previa...but because I'm only 20 weeks, chances are good that the placenta will migrate away from the cervix before delivery. Isn't it funny...paranoid me was worried about tons of stuff before the ultrasound, but placenta previa never even crossed my mind. Now I have something new to freak out about. Everything that I read online said that I should take it sex, strenuous housework or heavy lifting. Poor Ron!