Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Conversation With Samantha

I had a cute conversation with Samantha this morning. I've been trying to catch her cooing on camera, but every time the camera turns on, she stops!

Me: What are you thinking about?
Samantha: Ow
Me: Owls? What do you think about owls?
Samantha: Goo
Me: Owls are good! What colors are owls?
Samantha: Yeh go
Me: Yellow? Yes, owls could be yellow. What else is yellow?
Samantha: Eh?
Me: Eggs are yellow! What a smart baby!

Well, at least I think so.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stretch the Giraffe Gets Some Love!

Stretch the Giraffe gets the honor of being the first of Samantha's toys to get hugs!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Captain Calamari

Captain Calamari is Samantha's new toy. I love these soft toys from Lamaze...and apparently, so does Samantha!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Big is Baby?


We went to the doctor for her 2-month check-up yesterday. She is doing phenomenally well. The doctor even called her a "rock star." She is up to 13 pounds and 15 ounces. Her height is 24 inches, and her head circumference is 40.5 centimeters.

We were concerned because she had been spitting up after eating. The doctor assured us that she is gaining weight adequately and not to worry, just invest in more burp cloths. Haha.

We opted to do only 3 vaccines yesterday, and the other two we will do at her 3-month appointment. The 3 vaccines were given in one injection in her thigh. I held her tight while the doctor stuck the needle in...I couldn't watch. Samantha made a little peep and squirmed, and that was it! She didn't cry at all! What a trooper!

And what a cutie too! We love you, precious girl.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Some Pics

Daddy and Samantha

Mommy and Samantha

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Guess What??

Samantha is two months old today!

What are you up to these days?

You are smiling, but Momma can only catch them on camera if she's lucky.

You love going to Sing-A-Long at the library. You sit and watch all the older kids sing and dance. Pretty soon, you will be able to join in!

You still hate your car seat and stroller. You usually cry until someone gets you out.

You sleep at least 7 hours every night, sometimes 9!

You are a good napper during the day, but only if Momma holds you. If Momma tries to put you in bed, you are up in 5 minutes. Makes it hard for Momma to get anything done, but Momma would rather hold you anytime.

You like to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your body.

You have found your hands and like to try to put your whole fist in your mouth.

You are cooing all the time.

When you are happy, you kick, kick, kick you legs. You also kick them when you are upset.

When Daddy sticks his tongue out at you, you stick yours out at him.

You are the sweetest baby I've ever met and we love you forever.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All kinds of pink!

This is a good look, no?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Who is this baby?

It's Samantha!
With CURLY hair after her bath. Funny how her hair is curly when wet but so straight when dry.


Remember when Samantha napped in her swing and Ron and I were able to eat dinner together? Yeah, well, she hasn't done it since. I've tried several times and the longest she has lasted was 5 minutes. I've gotten really good at eating fast!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stroller Strides!

Samantha and I joined our local Stroller Strides group. There are about six other mom/baby pairs in our group, and they are just so nice and understanding. Samantha doesn't really like her stroller yet and cried through the whole thing. The second day was much better than the first, though, so hopefully she'll get used to being in her nice comfy stroller soon.
The workout was great. I haven't done any kind of exercise since I was 20 weeks pregnant, so I was really feeling the burn!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

More firsts

Last evening, Samantha took a nap in her swing for the very first time, allowing Ron and I to enjoy a quiet dinner together. We had baked chicken, green beans, and potatoes, and watched Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist on Netflix. Romantic, I know.

We used to eat in shifts, one would eat while the other would hold the baby because she did NOT like to be put down for more than 2 or 3 minutes. We didn't mind, because we love holding her! I'm just happy that she's beginning to interact with her toys more.

In her swing at 1.5 weeks:

In her swing last night (almost 7 weeks):

Today, Ron gave Samantha her first bottle! (Sorry we forgot to take a picture!) She did extrememly well and gulped the entire 3 oz down within a matter of minutes. I don't think we have to worry about her refusing the bottle when I go back to work in April.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Special visitors

Samantha's grandparents came to visit for nine days and Samantha loved every minute of it. Here are her grandparents loving on her...

There is nothing Samantha loves more than a warm, loving body to sleep on. Thank you, grandpa and grandma for being Samantha's "bed" for her many afternoon naps!

Grandpa's nickname for Samantha is Baby Beluga because of this song by Raffi:

We listened to this CD on every car ride.

Grandpa and grandma enjoyed reading to their little baby beluga...

Her amazing grandma made these adorable hats! They kept Samantha warm on our trips to San Francisco, the zoo, and on many walks around the neighborhood.

This was supposed to be a Santa hat, but we thought she looked more like an elf, so this is now officially the "elf hat."

This is the "split-pea soup" hat. We couldn't think of a name for it, and it reminded us of the split pea soup that we made with our leftover Christmas ham.

And here is Samantha with her "Pope hat." So cute!

Thank you, grandma and grandpa for visiting! We miss you and can't wait to see you again!