Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 21, 2012

No More Cast!

Samantha got her cast off on Wednesday! I didn't know this (never had a broken bone) but after the cast comes off, it's common for the limb to still hurt. The doctor said it might take up to two weeks for her to be back to normal with a full range of motion. She said to just let Samantha take it at her own pace and not to rush her into walking. When we got home, Samantha started crawling right away, but did not stand at all. The next day, she was up and walking, but with a limp. Now, three days later, she is walking everywhere (no crawling) but is still limping. It looks like it hurts, but everytime I ask her, she says it's fine. Such a strong girl!

Look! It's my leg!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Two Random Things

1. I took Samantha to an automatic car wash yesterday. My dad used to go through the car wash every time he filled up the car and I loved going through with him when I was a kid. Samantha did pretty well. She had her eyes closed the entire time. When we exited, she opened her eyes and said, "I want to try that again!"

2. I ran to put some clothes in the washing machine and left Samantha and William alone in the playroom. When I came back, she said in a VERY concerned voice, "He's crying!" and was next to him gently patting him. Sweetheart.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2 months!

William turned 2 months old yesterday!

15 pounds, 10 ounces.
24 inches long.

He's a big boy. Already in 6-month clothing.
He is smiling and cooing all the time.
He is very mellow. He hardly ever cries. He'll cry when he's hungry or has to burp.
He is starting to enjoy car rides more - still cries once in a while, but will usually talk to himself or fall asleep.
I haven't tried to put him in a stroller yet.
He loves being in the Moby Wrap. Usually falls asleep.
He's such a sweet, sweet baby and we love him so!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

We have lots of books at our house.

Books in the living room:

Books in the playroom:

And books in the bedroom:

Samantha loves her books. She KNOWS each one. When she's looking for a particular book, she knows which room to go to. She knows the titles of all her favorites (and she has a lot of favorites - it changes from day to day). She knows the names of the authors of most of her books; when she doesn't, she'll ask, "Who's this by?" She can also tell you the characters in each story. Not only that, but she makes connections between the stories and her life.

We've read to her everyday since she was born.

Now she reads to us!


William is not even two months old yet, and I've already had to pack away all of the 3-month clothes. He's wearing 6-month clothes! Sheesh! Good thing we're exclusively breastfeeding. We'd be spending all of our money on formula otherwise!

His nose was better today. I've been using saline drops and the nosefrida. I got a huge green booger out this afternoon. We'll see how tonight goes.

More :(

William has a stuffy nose! He can't breathe, so can't comfortably sleep. I feel so bad for him!