He's here! He arrived on November 11 at 7:35 am. A healthy 10 pounds, 7 ounces and 21.5 inches long. He looks just like Samantha did at birth. The same black hair. The same button nose, and the same set of lungs that can wake the neighbors when he is upset. He hasn't been upset much, though. He is so mellow. When he isn't eating or sleeping, he's just looking at the world around him. He is breastfeeding like a champ. He latched on less than an hour after birth, and my milk has already come in.
Samantha met him yesterday (Nov. 12). I was a little nervous about how she would react and how that first meeting would go, but I needn't have. She was excited to see her little brother and wanted to hold him. She kept petting him and giving him kisses. So cute!
Pictures to come soon!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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