She is so funny! She says "hi" to everything she sees, followed by a "what are you doing?"
She "feeds" her stuffed animals and gives them hugs and kisses.
She likes her stuffed animals to "read" to her.
She sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," "The Alphabet Song," "Frere Jacques," "Row, Row, Row your boat," and many others I can't think of right now.
She can count to 10.
She wakes up every morning with a smile and keeps us laughing until she goes to bed at night.
We love you, little one.
Riding the carousel (hanging on for dear life, but also wanted to wave to Mama):
Splashing at the splash park:
Parachute fun at a local children's play space.
Hanging out with Samantha this summer has been a blast! Los Angeles and Hawaii are next on our list of adventures!