Samantha, you are an amazing girl! Your daddy and I are so proud of the person that you are becoming.
Things I don't want to forget:
You shake your head and wag your index finger when you say, "Nooooo."
You love YOUR books, but you also love to get the "grown-up" books off the shelf and "read" them aloud to me or your dada.
You love to draw. It is often the first thing you ask for when we get home. You run to the paper and crayons in your room saying, "Daw." Then you hand a crayon to me and point to the paper and say, "Mama?"
You give great hugs and kisses. When we hug, you rest your head on my shoulder and your whole body melts into mine. When I ask for a kiss, I get a nice wet one on my lips, snot and all.
You know all the body parts. You especially like the nose, eyes, and mouth. Oh yeah, and hair.
You bring us our shoes and try to get them on our feet. Usually when we're cooking or doing laundry, or something else that does not require us to wear shoes.
You love the outdoors. You will point to the door and say, "Outside. Go go go!"
You still love to dance. You like to press the "Demo" button on our electric keyboard and dance to "Livin La Vida Loca" which subsequently plays.
You are starting to become interested in the potty. You say "pee pee!" when you pee, but we've never made it to the potty in time. Soon, though.
There's so much more I could write about. You are just a sweet, loving, smart, wonderful person and we love you so much!!!
We also went to the doctor today for a 15 month check up.
Samantha is 23 pounds and 4 ounces. She hasn't gained any weight since her 12 month check! Must be all the running around she does.
She is 30.5 inches tall.
She has 2 teeth that are about to erupt.
And the bad news...she has bronchiolitis, a respiratory tract infection. She has been coughing for the last 3 weeks or so and Dr. B heard wheezing when he listened to her lungs through the stethoscope. There's nothing we can do but wait for this to pass, and hope that it doesn't get any worse. Poor baby!
Hello world!
1 year ago
i miss chouchou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!