Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

9 months ...and sick

This is how Samantha spent her 9-month birthday.My sweet baby is sick! We noticed that she had a fever on Saturday. Then she threw up. A lot. We called the advice nurse and she said to keep an eye on her fever and keep her hydrated. Her fever hovered around 101 degrees on Sunday and 102 on Monday. She threw up a few times each day. She didn't have the energy or desire to do anything but hang out in my arms.

On Monday afternoon we went in to see the doctor. Turns out she has an infection and was prescribed Amoxicillin for 10 days. She does NOT like taking it! I have to hold her down and Ron syringes the 7.5ml into her mouth while she cries the entire time. We're lucky if half of it ends up inside her!

I hate seeing her sick. I'd gladly hold her until my arms fell off and clean up vomit all day, but seeing her sad makes me SO sad. I hope she feels better soon! I can't wait to play with my happy baby again. Love you, Samantha!