Samantha had her two-week appointment with Dr. B yesterday. We were worried about her weight gain because she lost so much during the first 3 days of life. Well, Dr. B said she was kicking butt because she gained 13 ounces in 6 days! She's up to 8 pounds, 15 ounces. Not quite back up to her birth weight yet, but she's doing great! She also grew an inch.
She still mostly eats and sleeps all day, although she won't sleep very long unless someone's holding her. We're not into letting her cry herself to sleep. I know there's a whole method out there about letting babies cry it out and it probably works for some, but I just can't. I'd rather hold her. She'll usually nurse herself to sleep, then I'll hold her for about an hour, after that I put her down in the bassinet and she slowly wakes herself up. Then we'll play a little, change her diaper, and start all over again.
Hello world!
1 year ago
I don't let Annika cry it out either. The second she cries I go get her. I just can't stand to hear her cry.