Tuesday, December 22, 2009
5 weeks!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009
3 weeks old! And some firsts
Before Samantha was born, we went to the farmer's market twice a week. We've managed to go once since she's been born. She slept through the whole thing in her red Moby Wrap.
First trip to the zoo:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
She still mostly eats and sleeps all day, although she won't sleep very long unless someone's holding her. We're not into letting her cry herself to sleep. I know there's a whole method out there about letting babies cry it out and it probably works for some, but I just can't. I'd rather hold her. She'll usually nurse herself to sleep, then I'll hold her for about an hour, after that I put her down in the bassinet and she slowly wakes herself up. Then we'll play a little, change her diaper, and start all over again.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Welcome to the world, little one
My c-section went well. Much less scary than I thought it would be. I was in the OR for 39 minutes, beginning to end. Three hours later, I was able to move my legs again and was transferred into a post-partum room for four days.
The first few days were hard because I could barely get out of bed and make it to the bathroom without help. I was tethered to an IV, and it was a pain in the ass to get around, so I mostly stayed in bed and stood up next to my bed once in a while.
Breastfeeding was also difficult the first few days. Samantha had no idea what to do, and I had no idea what to do. She was chomping on my nipple, and I was letting her. She ended up with little food and I ended up with very sore nipples. She lost 1 pound and 3 ounces in the first 3 days. We had lactation specialists come in and help with every feeding, and finally got the hang of it by Thursday night. She is now a pro at breastfeeding and has a voracious appetite for the boob juice.
We came home on Friday. She has been so mellow. Mostly eating and sleeping and pooping! She only cries when she is hungry, sleepy, or has a dirty diaper. Otherwise she's in a good mood and enjoys looking around and exercising her arms and legs. She recently discovered her hands and has been trying to chew on them.
She enjoys walks in the Moby Wrap. We've gone on walks twice since we got home.
Today was her first doctor's appointment with her pediatrician, Dr. B. She grew half an inch and gained 2 ounces since coming home from the hospital! Everything else about her was perfect!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
C-section it is!
Monday, November 16, 2009! 10 days!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
With only three weeks left to go, the chances of her turning on her own is "slim." So now we need to decide if we want to do an external version, where Dr. S. tries to turn her from the outside, or if we want to schedule a c-sec.
We are going back to see Dr. S. on Thursday to discuss this further. We're leaning towards an external version at this point, because I really want a vaginal delivery. But if we're not comfortable with the risks, we'll just go with the c-sec.
I just want Samantha to be born unstressed and healthy. I don't think we want to attempt a vaginal breech delivery, even though Dr. S. is experienced in this.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
32 weeks!
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. For the second time in a row, my blood pressure was normal! My uterus grew about a centimeter, heartbeat was heard...all in all, another great appointment. I can't believe that we will be meeting Samantha soon! Can't wait!
Monday, September 14, 2009
30 week appointment
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Test Results
That's the good news...
Now the not-so-good news...
my hemoglobin count was really low...
And the not-so-bad news...
all I have to do is take one iron supplement a day, and the baby has not been affected by the low hemoglobin.
Monday, August 17, 2009
26 Weeks!
Saw Dr. S. today. Blood pressure was really high...144/110. Holy crap! Dr. S. is going to keep an eye on it and check the baby more often. He does not want me to go on medication, and I totally agree with him. It ONLY gets that high at his office. I swear I have "white coat hypertension."
I also had the Gestational Diabetes test today. We won't know the results until around Thursday...keep your fingers crossed. I've heard so many people talk about how disgusting the glucose drink is...but it wasn't bad! It tasted like a flat Sprite, and I was able to drink it in about 30 seconds.
Samantha's heartbeat sounded great...that was the highlight of the appointment today. I'll never get tired of hearing her heartbeat!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Another uneventful Dr.'s Appointment
Fundal height was 25 cm. Last month it was 17cm, so my uterus grew 8 cm!
I gained 4 pounds. So up 2 pounds since the beginning of pregnancy. Not too bad.
I asked Dr. S. about the placenta previa - turns out I have posterior partial previa. Dr. S. was not worried about it at all. He said that since it was posterior, there is a great chance that it will move away from the cervix. He told me that I don't have to restrict my activities at all. Back to exercising and sex!
We've been thinking about names - we want a name that will honor my dad, Sam, who passed away when I was 19...so far, we have Samantha, and we're liking it! Any other suggestions?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sugar and spice and everything nice
Everything looked great at my ultrasound today! I am SO happy.
The tech did mention that my placenta was low, which puts me at risk for placenta previa...but because I'm only 20 weeks, chances are good that the placenta will migrate away from the cervix before delivery. Isn't it funny...paranoid me was worried about tons of stuff before the ultrasound, but placenta previa never even crossed my mind. Now I have something new to freak out about. Everything that I read online said that I should take it easy...no sex, strenuous housework or heavy lifting. Poor Ron!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
18 weeks and a doctor's appointment
Had an appointment with Dr. S. yesterday. His assistant, Cindy, took my blood pressure...the top number was 152...wait, what? That's really high. I've been monitoring my blood pressure at home with a little BP monitor that I bought at Target, and I've been averaging around 116. Sometimes, I would go up to 122 - 125, but NEVER passed 130. I told Cindy this and she retested my BP with another cuff. Top number was 112...whew!
I lost 2 pounds! That's okay, because I didn't start out as a skinny minnie, and I would love to keep my weight gain under 20 pounds.
Fundal height was 17 cm...I think it was supposed to be 18 cm because I was 18 weeks, but Dr. S said that 17 was perfect...I'll take his word for it.
Heartbeat was heard! Yay!
I asked him to check my cervix because I was paranoid about incompetent cervix. He understood completely...checked, and said that my cervix was beautiful. It is so nice to have a doctor who understands and will take time to ease my fears. Thank you, Dr. S!
We love you, chicken! See you in 2 weeks!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
16 weeks today!
4 weeks between doctor's visits are way too long. I need reassurance that everything will be okay! I've considered renting a doppler, but I've read research that says that overuse of the doppler is not good for the developing fetus. Two more weeks until I see Dr. S. again. Please, little chicken, grow!
I'm feeling these weird sensations in my cervix area, like pin pricks - still freaking out about incompetent cervix!!! But everything I've read online says that those sensations are normal - most likely the baby "dancing" on the cervix and hitting a nerve. Is my baby big enough to do that??
We love you, little chicken!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Freaking out
Okay, maybe I read too much about stuff that could happen. I've found out that incompetent cervix happens in 1 out of 100 pregnancies. Around the 13th week, the cervix slowly dilates - without symptoms until the water breaks - and the baby is born too soon to survive. One of the risk factors for an incompetent cervix is a D and C - which I did have last year. And incompetent cervix isn't diagnosed until after one or more second trimester losses.
Why am I freaking out over this? I'm definitely asking Dr. S. if he could measure my cervix - just to be sure - at my next appointment (June 23).
On a happier note, we have our BIG U/S on July 7. Can't wait!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Scary Moment
At first the ultrasound showed just an empty sac with no baby. But Dr. S. moved the wand around and finally, a baby came into view.
Me: Oh good, it's still there.
Dr. S.: Not only is it there, it's giant!
Me: Is the heart beating?
Baby jumps around the screen.
Dr. S.: With it moving around like that? I'll give you one guess.
Me: Huge sigh of relief
That was a scary moment. Silly chicken! Don't scare momma like that again, okay?
NT/1st trimester screening results came back normal/negative for everything, but my blood pressure was high and Dr. S. was NOT happy about that. If it doesn't come down, he's going to put me on medication for the rest of my pregnancy. Anything for a healthy chicken! We love you!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
NT Scan Yesterday
I was expecting a transvaginal ultrasound, so was surprised when she whipped out the belly ultrasound. Wow! I've never held on to a pregnancy long enough to see a baby with the belly wand!
First she found the heartbeat and we listened to it. It was a beautiful sound. "Heartbeat is 169, which is normal."
Then she measured the baby. "The baby is the right size for your due date."
Then she took lots of pictures of the baby's profile, arms, and legs.
Then she measured the nuchal fold. "The measurement is normal." So glad she said that.
We see Dr. S in 9 days, and he will go over the results with us in detail. Hoping that everything is okay.
We love you, little chicken!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Most Amazing Thing Ever!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Damn Spot
Why did you show up and ruin a perfectly good weekend?
Is it because I had the audacity to walk through the baby aisles at Target yesterday?
You had to remind me not to be so optimistic? All of this can turn to shit in an instant, hope into despair, happiness into fear?
Believe me, I am well aware of that fact. So go away, damn spot. Go away and leave me alone!
My Little Chicken: Please settle in and get comfy. We love you!
Friday, April 17, 2009
8 weeks today
"Morning sickness" hasn't been that bad on me. There was only one day when I really thought I was going to hurl (but didn't). The rest of the days, it's just a lump in my throat and slight queasiness at any thought of food.
My next OB appointment is in two weeks. I can't wait to see how much Little Chicken has grown. Please grow, Little Chicken! We love you!
Monday, April 13, 2009
We're having a baby!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
No more high impact aerobics
Golden Gate Bridge from Land's End, San Francisco
Hiking will definitely be our exercise of choice from now on!
One more day until my first u/s. I'm trying to stay positive that we'll see a heartbeat. Please let this baby be okay.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Oh my
Saturday, April 4, 2009
6 weeks! Am I supposed to be feeling something?
Besides the occassional breast tenderness - no pain, just tenderness - I don't have any symptoms. No nausea, no fatigue, no frequent urination. C'mon! Can I please get some symptoms?
I have my first ultrasound on 4/13. With my first pregnancy, the first ultrasound showed a fetal pole, but no heartbeat...had a D and C about 4 weeks later. With my second pregnancy, the first ultrasound showed nothing but a gestational sac...naturally miscarried about 2 weeks later. Please keep your fingers crossed that we see a healthy baby with a heartbeat this time!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How are these numbers?
HCG on 3/21/09: 1,266 I never did an OPK, so I don't know what my O date is, but I'm guessing this is about 15 dpo.
Progesterone on 3/21/09: 27.4
I just got these numbers from my doctor's office today. To me, they sound pretty positive! I start my Prometrium suppositories tonight, and I'm still on 1 baby aspirin per day. Please please please let this baby grow and thrive.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
That just shows you how much I know about my own body
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tomorrow's the day
Saturday, March 14, 2009
One more week
On another note, I have 3 midterms next week! I will be studying all weekend. When I made the decision to go back to school for a second bachelor's, then hopefully med school, I also made the decision to get all A's. I NEED to get all A's to be competitive for med school.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Right now, I'm super tired. It probably has something to do with the fact that I stayed up until 2am working on my Stats homework last night. But it's also a symptom, right? RIGHT?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Woo Hoo!
sliced apples
rotisserie chicken
Amy's burritos
Cuties clementines
Odwalla Superfood
Came out with all of the above AND
Turkey Jerky
18 packs of gum
5 pounds of gummi bears.
Totally didn't need that, but glad I have it!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Time to try again!
I started classes at the end of January - going back to school to get my second bacc - then I'm applying to medical school (!). So I've been very busy with work full time and classes 3 nights a week. BUT I think I'm getting better with time management. I'm not spending as much time goofing off and doing nothing.
Which explains why I haven't blogged in about a month!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I was wrong
I didn't have to wait 12 weeks for a cycle like I did after my first miscarriage.
We now have a LMP to start the next cycle with.
I didn't have any cramps! Yay for easy cycles!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
CD 30
Friday, January 23, 2009
They're Here!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I ordered 20
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What a beautiful Saturday!
Have you ever had a vietnamese sandwich? Crunchy french roll, pickled carrots and daikon, homemade pate and mayonnaise, ham, and other seasonings. SO GOOD! If you've never had one, you should try one.
There's this little place in El Cerrito, a hole in the wall, really, that makes AMAZING vietnamese sandwiches. I've eaten them all of my life, but these are seriously the best I've ever had. Every time we come here, the place is PACKED, but the service is fast, so the wait is never long.
Today, Ron and I pciked up a couple of sandwiches and then drove to the Berkeley Marina for lunch in the sun. What a great way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning.
Now Ron is off to coach volleyball, and I'm off to the outlets to buy some shoes!