No fever last night! Yay!
Samantha is 7 months old!
Here she is with curly hair after her bath.
She's 19 pound and 13 ounces!
She wears size 9 months - 12 months. In some brands she needs to wear size 12 - 18 months!

She makes this silly face where she wrinkles her nose and breaths in and out really hard through her nostrils. We think it's funny!

This is what she typically looks like. Such a happy baby! She's always smiling. She's so inquisitive and just wants to explore everything around her.

She's enjoying food a lot! We are doing Baby Led Weaning - which means that we skipped the whole pureed food stage and just started feeding her real food at 6 months. We are introducing her to a variety of flavors in the hopes that she will not be a picky eater like her daddy. In the last month, she's tried: chicken, pork, beef, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, green beans, potatoes, avocado, banana, strawberry, orange, peach, nectarine, aprium, pasta, bell pepper, onion, tomato, rice, garlic, cheese, watermelon, honeydew, ambrosia melon, cantaloupe, and galia melon. She doesn't have any teeth yet, but that hasn't stopped her from eating! She has LOVED everything! Most things are fresh, organic, and locally grown.
Grandpa: sorry, but she is not allowed to eat pizza or ice cream yet.
She is sitting up like a champ! She can move across the room by bouncing up and down on her bottom and scootching forward a little at a time. She's not crawling yet, but she's definitely trying! She rocks back and forth on her hands and knees, but hasn't figured out how to put it all together yet.

Our local zoo has a playgroup for infants - 4 year olds. It's a chance for Samantha to play with other kids and for parents to talk. The coolest thing about this playgroup is that they bring out an animal for the kids to meet and pet. So far, Samantha has met a possum and a chinchilla. Here's a video of her petting the chinchilla.