Samantha turned 6 months old on the 16th! I can't believe that she's already a half year old!

My sister came over to hang out with Samantha and brought her a present to celebrate her six months. Here is Samantha opening her gift.

It was a cute sun hat, a "Daddy's Sweetie" shirt, and a cheery cherry romper.

Samantha loved her new clothes, but she loved playing with the tissue paper more.

Samantha's grandma also sent her a six month gift. Cute colorful headbands to keep Samantha's hair out of her eyes! If only she'd let me put them on! She would rather eat them.

On Monday, at her six-month appointment, Samantha weighed in at 18 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 27 1/8 inches. She got 2 shots, DtaP and PCV. Everything was fine until 3:30 in the morning. That's when Samantha woke up, which was very unusual for her. She had been sleeping through the night since she was 8 weeks old! I reached out to comfort her, and noticed that she was burning up! We ran to get the thermometer...101.1 degrees. We were told to expect a fever of up to 102, so 101.1 was high, but not
too high. So I just held her and made sure she was comfortable. Suddenly, she vomited.
A lot. All over the sheets. While Ron changed the sheets, I changed her pajamas. I thought she might be hungry, since the contents of her stomach were now all over the sheets, so I fed her...
bad idea. A second round of vomit, and another set of pajamas later she finally fell asleep again. She slept for about 5 hours and when she woke up, she was still hot...the thermometer read 104. We immediately called the doctor and took the first appointment they had. She was already feeling better by the time we went to the doctor. Her temp was down to 99.3. He said to keep an eye on her and to come back if the fever is not down by Thursday. She was
pretty much back to normal on Wednesday.
Here she is enjoying a strawberry on Thursday night.