Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tummy time... getting better!

She rolls onto her tummy and plays for a few minutes - then when she's done, she yells for help and we pick her up. She's not even close to figuring out how to roll onto her back yet. I wasn't able to catch it on camera, but she's been pulling her knees under her butt, then straightening them out again, scooting her body up an inch or so. I have a feeling she'll be scooting around all over the place soon. My baby is growing up too fast!! :(

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This is How I Roll!

Samantha started rolling last Sunday. It took her about a minute to get all the way over, and she only did it once a day for the next three days. Now, six days later, it only takes her a few seconds to roll over and she does it all day long! Yaaaay for Samantha!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We went to the Doctor

Poor girl woke up this morning and threw up. I don't mean spitting-up-her-breakfast throwing up; I mean drunk-girl-at-an-all-night-party throwing up. It was pretty scary for me to see her heaving and gagging. So we went to the doctor to see what was going on. Turns out, she's fine. She just has a lot of mucus in her nose and throat (not sure what's causing it) and throwing up was her body's way of getting rid of some of it. She's in a pretty good mood today and didn't have a fever, so we're just going to keep an eye on it. If she develops a fever or loses her appetite, it's back to the doctor we'll go.

Yummy fingers:

Oh, by the way, she's up to 17 pounds and 2 ounces!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Not a Happy Camper

runny/stuffy nose
watery eyes
wants to be held all the time

But still so darn cute!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

She Rolled!

Samantha rolled from her back to her front for the first time today. She first swung her legs over to the right so that her lower body was rolled over, but her right arm was still stuck under her. After wriggling for a few moments, the right arm was free and she was completely rolled over!! Ron and I cheered and clapped. She looked around curiously, then burst into tears because she realized that she was stuck on her tummy! Ha!

We are so proud of our big girl. She is growing up so fast.

No pictures :( I'm gonna have my camera ready next time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Ron and I have been suffering from allergies all week. For me, it's nothing worse than some sneezing and a constant tickle in my nose. Ron says he feels the same way.

Well, this morning, Samantha woke up way too early with a stuffy nose. I can hear it when she breathes. Could she have allergies too? Poor baby!

Here are some cute pictures I took yesterday when she was playing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

4 month stats

Height: 26 inches
Weight: 16 pounds, 11 ounces
Head Circumference: 42.5 centimeters

She got one shot today...was her usual brave self and only cried for a few seconds.

Here are a few pictures of Samantha rolling. She usually gets to this point then rolls back onto her back, but she did get almost all the way onto her tummy once today. Was not fast enough with the camera to catch that, though.
What a beautiful baby! We love you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

4 Months!

You are four months old today! What are you up to?

You are out of your 3-6 months clothes. You're wearing 6-9 months now.
You are smiling all of the time.
You love looking at people. If it's someone you know, you'll show your sweet smile. If it's someone you don't recognize, you'll wrinkle your brows and study their face for a while before offering a smile.
You are so good at gripping things! You'll reach out and grab toys, glasses, hair, clothing, whatever catches your interest!
You babble all of the time. Sometimes with your small voice, sometimes with your loud voice!
You are not rolling over yet, but you'll roll from your back onto your side.
You do not like tummy time very much, but you're getting better at it!
You are liking your carseat more. You hardly cry in it anymore.
You sleep very well at night - up to 12 hours! But you hardly nap during the day. Lately, you've been taking about four 20 minute naps throughout the day. That's okay. I love playing with you during the day.

You make your mamma and daddy so happy. We love you so much!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


All of these hats were handmade with love by her Grandma Charlie. Aren't they awesome? She almost has one for each day of the week! Which one is your favorite? Samantha gets the most compliments when she wears the strawberry one.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tummy Time

Samantha has always HATED being on her tummy. When we first started Tummy Time, she would only tolerate it for a few seconds before crying and screaming. And we don't believe in letting her cry through it, so we pick her up and try again the next day. Now, at 3 and a half months, she still doesn't like Tummy Time, but we keep trying! Lack of Tummy Time hasn't affected her ability to hold her head up...she's really good at that. But I think it has affected her ability to roll over. She's not on her tummy for long enough to discover how to roll over on to her back, and when she's on her back, she has no desire to roll over on to her tummy. She does roll over on to her side, though.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Apo Grandma and Apo Grandpa went back to Hawaii this morning and we miss them SOOO much.