You are four months old today! What are you up to?
You are out of your 3-6 months clothes. You're wearing 6-9 months now.
You are smiling all of the time.
You love looking at people. If it's someone you know, you'll show your sweet smile. If it's someone you don't recognize, you'll wrinkle your brows and study their face for a while before offering a smile.
You are so good at gripping things! You'll reach out and grab toys, glasses, hair, clothing, whatever catches your interest!
You babble all of the time. Sometimes with your small voice, sometimes with your loud voice!
You are not rolling over yet, but you'll roll from your back onto your side.
You do not like tummy time very much, but you're getting better at it!
You are liking your carseat more. You hardly cry in it anymore.
You sleep very well at night - up to 12 hours! But you hardly nap during the day. Lately, you've been taking about four 20 minute naps throughout the day. That's okay. I love playing with you during the day.
You make your mamma and daddy so happy. We love you so much!