Yay! Everything is going well. My blood pressure was a little high...134/82, but it's been holding steady at home so we're not too worried.
Fundal height was 25 cm. Last month it was 17cm, so my uterus grew 8 cm!
I gained 4 pounds. So up 2 pounds since the beginning of pregnancy. Not too bad.
I asked Dr. S. about the placenta previa - turns out I have posterior partial previa. Dr. S. was not worried about it at all. He said that since it was posterior, there is a great chance that it will move away from the cervix. He told me that I don't have to restrict my activities at all. Back to exercising and sex!
We've been thinking about names - we want a name that will honor my dad, Sam, who passed away when I was 19...so far, we have Samantha, and we're liking it! Any other suggestions?
Hello world!
1 year ago