Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Freaking out

About incompetent cervix!

Okay, maybe I read too much about stuff that could happen. I've found out that incompetent cervix happens in 1 out of 100 pregnancies. Around the 13th week, the cervix slowly dilates - without symptoms until the water breaks - and the baby is born too soon to survive. One of the risk factors for an incompetent cervix is a D and C - which I did have last year. And incompetent cervix isn't diagnosed until after one or more second trimester losses.

Why am I freaking out over this? I'm definitely asking Dr. S. if he could measure my cervix - just to be sure - at my next appointment (June 23).

On a happier note, we have our BIG U/S on July 7. Can't wait!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Scary Moment

Dr. S. couldn't find the heartbeat yesterday. He tried for about 2 minutes, got a worried look on his face, then said, "Let's go to the ultrasound."

At first the ultrasound showed just an empty sac with no baby. But Dr. S. moved the wand around and finally, a baby came into view.

Me: Oh good, it's still there.

Dr. S.: Not only is it there, it's giant!

Me: Is the heart beating?

Baby jumps around the screen.

Dr. S.: With it moving around like that? I'll give you one guess.

Me: Huge sigh of relief

That was a scary moment. Silly chicken! Don't scare momma like that again, okay?

NT/1st trimester screening results came back normal/negative for everything, but my blood pressure was high and Dr. S. was NOT happy about that. If it doesn't come down, he's going to put me on medication for the rest of my pregnancy. Anything for a healthy chicken! We love you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NT Scan Yesterday

My OB does not do NT scans, so I had to go to a different office for the scan. Jodi, the ultrasound tech was all business. No small talk, no smile, just, "lay down and pull your pants down to your hips." That's okay. I was so nervous I don't think I could have formed a coherent sentence anyway.

I was expecting a transvaginal ultrasound, so was surprised when she whipped out the belly ultrasound. Wow! I've never held on to a pregnancy long enough to see a baby with the belly wand!

First she found the heartbeat and we listened to it. It was a beautiful sound. "Heartbeat is 169, which is normal."

Then she measured the baby. "The baby is the right size for your due date."

Then she took lots of pictures of the baby's profile, arms, and legs.

Then she measured the nuchal fold. "The measurement is normal." So glad she said that.

We see Dr. S in 9 days, and he will go over the results with us in detail. Hoping that everything is okay.

We love you, little chicken!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Most Amazing Thing Ever!

I saw the most incredible thing yesterday. I went to see Dr. S. for a check-up to see how Little Chicken is doing. I've been feeling very nervous because of Damn Spot and I just don't feel very pregnant. Well, Little Chicken is growing! It was measuring 11wod, a whole week ahead! And the most amazing thing was dancing! It was wriggling around so much that Dr. S. had a hard time getting a good picture! It had a huge head, round body, stubby arms and legs, and just the cutest thing I've ever seen. We love you, Little Chicken!