Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How are these numbers?

LMP: 2/21/09

HCG on 3/21/09: 1,266 I never did an OPK, so I don't know what my O date is, but I'm guessing this is about 15 dpo.

Progesterone on 3/21/09: 27.4

I just got these numbers from my doctor's office today. To me, they sound pretty positive! I start my Prometrium suppositories tonight, and I'm still on 1 baby aspirin per day. Please please please let this baby grow and thrive.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

That just shows you how much I know about my own body

I was positive that I was not pregnant this month. I was so sure that I contemplated not POASing...just wanted to let AF come and prove me right. But, being the addict that I am, I could not hold back and POAS'd on Thursday. And I was wrong. SO wrong. I got a BFP!!
I am estatic, of course, but nervous as hell. Based on my history, I do not have a hard time getting pregnant, but none have made it through the first trimester. I've been pregnant three times, but have never seen a baby on ultrasound, never heard a heartbeat. I don't have a diagnosis...only had a chromosomal analysis done on the second baby, and it was normal. Dr. S, my awesome OB, is optimistic - just bad eggs and bad luck. I called him yesterday. He sent me for bloodwork and started me on baby aspirin. After my bloodwork comes back, I may need to start Prometrium, depending on the results of the bloodwork. I would do anything - anything - if it means having a healthy baby in the end.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tomorrow's the day

If AF doesn't show, I'm going to POAS. Well, maybe I'll wait until Saturday. I'm so sure that I'm not pregnant this month that I'm not even excited about POASing. I don't want to be hopeful and then disappointed AGAIN. Maybe I'll wait until Sunday. Maybe I'll wait until CD 35. I'm on CD 27 right now. Maybe AF will just come tomorrow.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One more week

One more week before I can POAS! I don't think this is going to be our month, though. Even with my wishful thinking, I haven't had many symptoms. My boobs are a little sore, but only because I'm pressing on them every few minutes, hoping that they are! With my last two pregnancies, I had a "feeling" and knew that I was pregnant before I got a positive test. I'm just not feeling it this month, so I won't be terribly disappointed if AF shows next week.

On another note, I have 3 midterms next week! I will be studying all weekend. When I made the decision to go back to school for a second bachelor's, then hopefully med school, I also made the decision to get all A's. I NEED to get all A's to be competitive for med school.

Monday, March 9, 2009


UGH. Ten days to go until I POAS or AF comes. Hey, non-TTC'ers...did ya understand that?? Why do I always feel like I have every symptom in the book during my TWW? Just wishful thinking, I guess.

Right now, I'm super tired. It probably has something to do with the fact that I stayed up until 2am working on my Stats homework last night. But it's also a symptom, right? RIGHT?