I was positive that I was not pregnant this month. I was so sure that I contemplated not POASing...just wanted to let AF come and prove me right. But, being the addict that I am, I could not hold back and POAS'd on Thursday. And I was wrong. SO wrong. I got a BFP!!
I am estatic, of course, but nervous as hell. Based on my history, I do not have a hard time getting pregnant, but none have made it through the first trimester. I've been pregnant three times, but have never seen a baby on ultrasound, never heard a heartbeat. I don't have a diagnosis...only had a chromosomal analysis done on the second baby, and it was normal. Dr. S, my awesome OB, is optimistic - just bad eggs and bad luck. I called him yesterday. He sent me for bloodwork and started me on baby aspirin. After my bloodwork comes back, I may need to start Prometrium, depending on the results of the bloodwork. I would do anything - anything - if it means having a healthy baby in the end.